The Walk of Shame: When you’re ready to buy the home
Why you should always check out your neighbors pre-purchase on nights and weekends

I got a direct message from a reader who was looking into buying a home with her husband. She, a black woman, noticed her potential neighbors came outside with a less-than-impressed hello. By night fall when she returned to see what it was like outside of business hours, they’d put Trump signs in their yard — in July, knowing full well the 2020 election has come and gone. Well-played. Message received.
Clearly she’s no longer looking into buying that property. I paused over this DM for a while, knowing full well that the signs could’ve played out two ways. One, we already know how White Flight works. If too many black people move into a neighborhood, a segment of the white population will flee. Although I’m turning into one of those cranky neighbors who wants you to stay the hell off my lawn and always keeps my music at a respectable volume, I’ve also enjoyed my fair share of backyard BBQs and family birthday parties.
Generally speaking, even in my twenties, I was respectful of my neighbors — unless they were world-class jerks. Once you start beefing in your own yard, it’s very rare to find common ground after that.
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No one wants to come home from a hard day’s work (or work a hard day at home) and have to deal with more nonsense from the parking lot. Unless you’re ready for nonstop rivalries as soon as you walk out of your front door, I highly recommend checking out your neighbors before you buy your condominium or home — or even rent an apartment. Here’s what you need to look for.
Recommended Read: “What do you gain from being a difficult neighbor? ~ My mixed opinions on removing police from neighbor disputes”