I know of no one who likes to throw things away or donate them more than me. I am so loyal to recycling and reducing that I get daily newsletters to figure out how to give new things away. But I have a confession. I’m a microwave glass plate hoarder. It is one of few things that I just cannot make myself give away, even though I have four of them in various sizes.
Recommended Read: “Revenge flaggers on Craigslist: Why is your life so empty? ~ WFFH: Why Craigslist needs to take notes from Freecycle: Get humans to confirm legitimate flagging”
As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a percentage from purchases with my referral links. I know some consumers are choosing to boycott Amazon for its DEI removal. However, after thinking about this thoroughly, I want to continue promoting cool products from small businesses, women-owned businesses and (specifically) Black-owned businesses who still feature their items on Amazon. As of the first date of Black History Month 2025, each new post will ALWAYS include a MINIMUM of one product sold by a Black-owned business. (I have visited the seller’s official site to verify that Amazon Black-owned logo.) I am (slowly) doing this with older, popular posts too. If you still choose to boycott, I 100% respect that decision.
The small collection started off simple enough. A maroon microwave I bought during my college years broke in transit from my dorm in one state to my new apartment in another. I was furious. When would I ever find another maroon (my favorite color since the age of 16) microwave? I kept the wheel, even though I threw away the microwave. Two more microwaves came and went, and I kept those microwave glass plates too. Then I bought a condo that had a built-in microwave already installed. I still refused to give up those microwave wheels, going as far as posting them on Freecycle and Craigslist only to delete them again in 60 seconds.
As an Amazon affiliate, I do earn a percentage from each sale while using my referral links.

I just had a feeling that one of these days, my microwave glass plate would break and I’d need a backup. (This has never happened in 23 years, but my mind works how it works.) Then it hit me. If I couldn’t use these extra microwave wheels for their intended purpose, why not find new ways to use them instead of discarding the glass plates? I found three handy ways to reuse the microwave wheels—without needing the guide support or the tray support.