What to be aware of when hiring an exterminator
Know the difference between those trying to make a profit and those invested in pest control

“Didn’t you say you just moved in a few weeks ago?” my godsister asked.
“Yeah. Why?” I asked.
“And this is how your place looks already?” She looked around.
“What’s wrong with it?” I also looked around, trying to find something out of place.
“Girl, I still had boxes for months when I moved in,” she explained. “Your place is neat as hell.”
I smiled. It’s a compliment I receive quite often. I’ve had 10 mailing addresses and lived in three states. A neat home is mandatory. Even when six of those addresses were my childhood home and dorm rooms, I was a stickler about Sweeper Sundays (cleaning from top to bottom every Sunday) and making sure everything was in its place. Move a cup coaster and chances are I’ll move it back as soon as you turn your head.
Recommended Read: “Battle of the Bedbugs”
I was dumbfounded when an exterminator showed up to my condo and told me, “Five mice in two years is not bad at all. In a multi-unit, you can expect a few mice.”
Um, sir, come again? Up until two years ago, I’d been a renter. And if I combined all of the times I’d had mice since I rented my first apartment in 2001 until now, it wouldn’t add up to five mice total. I was appalled. I’m a dog person, but I briefly considered getting a cat.
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Listening to this exterminator go on and on about how cockroaches and mice and bugs are “normal” to have in multi-units, I realized something that I should’ve been aware of before hiring an exterminator: Look for pest removal companies that are more interested in getting rid of your pest issue, not ones who are trying to scare you into repeat business.