I’d been dating him for a few months. I probably should’ve taken that orgasmic sound he made personally, but you can’t win them all. And the truth is I made a similar sound as soon as I walked barefoot on my kitchen floors. While other Homegrown Tales posts are written to give you the pros and cons of all things housing-related, I am shamelessly encouraging the perks of heated floors. Here’s why they are amazing on their own and during cold-weather months in cities like Chicago.
In the apartment I lived in for eight years, I would march in during the winter months, take my shoes and socks off, and stand in my kitchen. I had no reason to be in there other than to enjoy the warmth on my toes. It reminded me of my childhood years when I’d put my feet on our floor heaters. There are two ways to make this heating dream a reality: electricity or hot water.
Recommended Read: “Electric baseboard heater on fire, speedy lesson in how to use a fire extinguisher ~ Once again, I learned why I should always listen to my dog”
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How does heated flooring work?
According to Warmly Yours, electric radiant floor heating is easy to install and can be done as a do-it-yourself project. The electric version comes in rolls with the heating cable already included. The upfront costs are economical ($10 to $20 per square foot), and it’s ideal for smaller rooms. Just roll them out and cut them like you would wallpaper. However, the flooring goes underneath the flooring, which means homeowners who are protective of their already-attractive flooring should be prepared for a do-over. If they have doorways, keep in mind that the flooring will be raised about an inch, which may be a nuisance for bar stools and refrigerators without leg stands. Electric radiant floor heating can also be used on all types of flooring with no extra maintenance.