Should activism signs be allowed in condo unit windows?
Freedom of Speech or suppression by condo rules?

George Floyd looks down at me every time I go out of the front lobby door. By now we’ve all seen the photograph I’m talking about. His hair looks to be freshly cut with a pretty boy goatee that is so thin it’s almost nonexistent. He’s gazing at the camera lens, and there’s a solid background behind him. Close to the image of Floyd on one sign is another one, a political promo about Bernie Sanders for President. Then there’s a third sign about defunding police.
The signs are ironic, considering the owner who has them neatly placed on her window sill is the equivalent of Amy Cooper, the woman who blatantly lied about a black birdwatcher attacking her while she almost choked out her dog. While apparently she’s a window activist, she’s also the same woman who believes “verbal assault” is someone telling her they don’t like her and “physical assault” is someone throwing water on a bush behind her — while she sits in front of their window sill with a tenant playing a guitar. (I wish I was making this up, but I am not.)
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I can’t quite tell whether these activist signs are propped in her window to convince herself she’s more woke than she actually is. Needless to say, we are not nor will we ever be friendly. But we have done what many neighbors worldwide do — we have learned to peacefully coexist no matter how we feel about each other.
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