What your next contractor will never tell you about his work
Why Yelp and Google reviews will always reign supreme

It was 11 p.m., and I stared down at the text message. There was no way in the world that this contractor seriously thought it was a good idea to text me that late at night. Not only was it that late at night, but it was on the Fourth of July on a Saturday evening. Texting someone about business at night is unprofessional. Texting them about business on a Saturday evening is questionable. But texting them on a federal holiday (whether I celebrate it or not) is all bad and makes it three times worse. But per usual, con artists are rarely smart and always tell on themselves. All consumers have to do is patiently wait for them to do something wrong. It won’t take long.
There are countless reasons why I think Google Reviews and Yelp Reviews come in handy. One, a company with references will always give you the best experiences they participated in, so there’s a clear bias. Two, a company that plugs other companies on their page will rarely if ever plug someone who had a difficult contractual experience.
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While I’ve always pondered on why everyone from consumers to hiring managers just go with whatever they’re told, I get the bigger picture. If you want a job done bad enough, you’re not going to go looking for things wrong with the company (or person). Get a few good compliments, and that person is hired. The end — only it’s not. And there’s an argument to be made about why consumers need to find out the complaints of those who did not like working with the client.
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